Lesson 1: Introducing Illustrator
- Topic A: Apply Design Principles, Elements, and Graphics Composition
- Topic B: Evaluate Graphics Scalability
- Topic C: Navigate the User Interface
- Topic D: Customize the User Interface
Lesson 2: Creating Documents Containing Basic Shapes
- Topic A: Create Documents
- Topic B: Save Documents
- Topic C: Draw Basic Shapes
Lesson 3: Creating Documents Containing Customized Paths
- Topic A: Draw Paths
- Topic B: Modify Paths
Lesson 4: Creating Graphics Containing Customized Text
- Topic A: Insert Text
- Topic B: Apply Flow Text Along a Path
- Topic C: Insert Bounded and Threaded Text
- Topic D: Apply Text Styles
- Topic E: Insert Typographical Characters
Lesson 5: Customizing Objects
- Topic A: Import, Place, and Link Graphics
- Topic B: Alter the Appearance of Objects
Lesson 6: Customizing Basic Shapes
- Topic A: Apply Strokes and Brushes
- Topic B: Fill Shapes
- Topic C: Apply Graphics Styles
- Topic D: Distort Text with Text Envelopes
Lesson 7: Preparing Documents for Deployment
- Topic A: Update Text
- Topic B: Wrap Text
- Topic C: Hyphenate Text
- Topic D: Optimize Content for Print
- Topic E: Optimize Content for the Web
- Topic F: Optimize Content for PDF Documents