What is a Licensed Penetration Tester and Should I Have One on my Team?

A Licensed Penetration Tester (LPT) is a trained professional who can analyze the security posture of a given network exhaustively and propose the corrective measures authoritatively. Certified penetration testers have the skills on how to utilize penetration testing methodologies, techniques and tools to design, secure, and test or troubleshoot networks to help organizations avert threats. LPT training is appropriate for auditors, security officers, and cybersecurity professionals.

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PenTest+ Objectives: What Should My Employees Know?

Smart employers like yourself understand that cyber security is a top priority if you want to protect your company’s computer information systems from being hacked and potentially crippling your business. That’s why you employ professionals known as ethical hackers who work full time to probe your information systems to identify vulnerabilities, detect intrusions, and apply patches to seal off your data networks from future attacks.

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Certified Network Defender Training: What is it Exactly?

Wireless connectivity and the ever-expanding Internet of Things gives people the power to work, socialize, and shop at any time and place. However, this convenience comes at a price. In a recent survey by internet safety firm Symantec, 38.5% of Americans were affected by cybercrimes in 2016. With more people and businesses relying on the internet every day, this number is expected to continue to rise.

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